Editor's Corner: Gaming, by the numbers

Mobile content publisher Glu Mobile recently released a study of how U.K. mobile subscribers access mobile entertainment content.

The most interesting result, according to an interview with Glu EMEA Managing Director Kristian Segerstrale, is that there is virtually no gender gap between male and female gamers. This is especially surprising given the huge bias toward male players in the console gaming market (and the PC gaming market, to a lesser degree).

The study also confirms the commonly held belief that younger consumers are driving the growth in mobile content. What's interesting, however, is just how young those consumers are: 19 percent of 16- to 24-year-old mobile subscribers have purchased a mobile game, more than twice as many as 25- to 34-year-old subscribers.

The bad news for mobile marketers is that young consumers have relatively little brand loyalty. Sixteen- to 24-year-old subscribers ranked "brand" as the third most important metric in a purchasing decision, below "price" and "overall perception of quality."

While the study is exclusive to the U.K., Segerstrale believes many of the same trends are taking place around the world. Read Glu's press release for more details. - Eli