Sat TV firm allowed to air ABS-CBN shows

(Business World via NewsEdge) The Philippine Court of Appeals has upheld the airing of ABS-CBN re-broadcasts by satellite TV service provider Philippine Multi-Media System Inc. (PMSI), even after the network's contention that this constituted infringement of broadcasting rights and copyrights of its shows.

The decision affirmed an earlier ruling by the Intellectual Property Office, which said the National Telecommunications Commission had issued back in 2000 a certificate of public convenience, allowing PMSI as a franchise holder to include broadcasts of ABS-CBN Channel 2, NBN 4, ABC 5, GMA 7, RPN 9, IBC 13 and Studio 23 in its program lineup.

The NTC circular was based on a "must-carry" principle that the appellate court said would "prevent a situation whereby station owners and a few networks would have unfettered power to make time available only to the highest bidders [which would be] contrary to the state policy that the franchise grantee shall provide at all times sound and balanced programming and assist in the functions of public information and education."

c 2006 BusinessWorld (Philippines)

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