Webwire: LGE hit by falling sales; BT ordered to block Newzbin2

LG Electronics fell well short of analyst’s predictions for 3Q income, with a loss of 414 billion won (€265 million) due to lower sales at its mobile phone business and record losses in its displays unit.
BT has been given 14 days to block access to file sharing website Newzbin2, and ordered to block any IP addresses the site’s owners might subsequently register.
Polish incumbent Telekomunikacja Polska is reaping the benefit of strict cost controls, which helped it overturn a loss of 720 million zlotys (€165 million) in 3Q10 with a profit of 376 million zlotys in 3Q11.
Apple has been granted a US patent on unlocking touchscreen smartphones with the swipe of a finger that will likely boost its patent battles with vendors running rival operating systems
US operator Sprint is edging towards an LTE network deal with 4G wholesaler Clearwire, with a non-binding agreement to ensure the pair’s networks are interoperable.