Crowdsourced video service to help authorities investigate crimes

Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) Web Services is providing lots of bandwidth for a new service conceived by the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department that will enable people to upload footage shot with smartphones to the authorities during emergencies. The service, called LEEDIR (Large Emergency Event Digital Information Repository), is a photo and video platform that can be activated for free by law enforcement and relief agencies during a major emergency event. Immediately after activation, the LEEDIR Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) iOS app, Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) Android app and website are available to receive uploads from the public. Culver City, Calif.-based tech startup CitizenGlobal helped create LEEDIR. The Santa Barbara County Sheriff's Office in California is the first to use the system, asking the public to upload images of the violent Deltopia riot that occurred last month in Isla Vista near the University of California at Santa Barbara. For more, see this Ars Technica article.