Marking 10 years of consolidation in the cable industry

While the wireless industry certainly has seen its fair share of consolidation over the years and speculation persists that it will continue to do so, the consolidation trend has been going steady in the cable industry as well. A handful of mega-players dominate the landscape: Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Cox and Cablevision control a major chunk of the cable industry in the United States.

But just 10 years ago, the cable industry looked a lot different. Companies like Adelphia and Susquehanna still existed, and the major cable operators had yet to roll up the other players. FierceCable examined the major acquisitions and mergers consummated in the last 10 years and, in collaboration with Stacey Horne, created an infographic depicting major milestones. For the details, check out this FierceCable special report.