ALSO NOTED: VZW's new Treo; Daily Trivia; and much more...

> Google's Vinton Cerf says India's Internet growth is critically dependent on its mobile phone uptake. Article

> Visto scores another $35 million in VC, reports indicate. Some speculation on why the company is keeping it quiet. Article

> Verizon Wireless and Palm announce the availability of the Treo 700wx. Release

And Finally... Your daily dose of wireless trivia: Sprint was the first Tier 1 U.S. operator to launch a real-time streaming mobile TV service. It was powered by Idetic, which later became known as MobiTV.  What month and year did Sprint launch this service? Submit your answer here.

Last week's question: What did the GSM Association used to call SMS messages sent via a GSM network? Answer: G-Mail. First correct answers came from: Rick Lucas, Lightplay Studios; Scott Smutz, Alltel Wireless