Forsee: iDEN network performance begs attention

The New York Times ran an interview with Sprint Nextel CEO Gary Forsee, which yielded a few interesting quotes when the paper asked where the carrier needs to invest more: "Clearly, the iDEN network performance, as we've gone through rebanding and taken capacity out of the markets, puts tension around adding additional capacity to be sure that we support the loyal Nextel customers. To reinvigorate some of our distribution channels implies investment."

Forsee also talked about ARPU strategies: "That has been the focus because it was assumed that every user was the same. If you've got a user that's interested in paying $15 a month for security purposes and they're on a family plan, they may not churn once every five years so you would assume then that your cost of serving that customer is different than it would be for a customer with $80 per month revenue. So you've got to be sure that you're segmenting the market differently."

For more on Forsee's interview with NYT:
- take a look at this article from the newspaper