Report: iPhone SDK delayed

According to a report from BusinessWeek, Apple may not make its February deadline for releasing the software development kit for the iPhone. The company had originally promised to make the SDK available by the end of this month but BusinessWeek claims it could be delayed by one to three weeks.

In an open letter to developers last October, Apple CEO Steve Jobs promised developers that the SDK would be available this month: "It will take until February to release an SDK because we're trying to do two diametrically opposed things at once--provide an advanced and open platform to developers while at the same time protect iPhone users from viruses, malware, privacy attacks, etc.," he wrote.

Earlier this month, Wired reported that Apple could use iTunes to distribute the SDK. Some developers felt like making their software available on iTunes will put Apple in control of the pricing. However, others are excited about the number of possible consumers that will have access to their software.

Of course, two blogs have reportedly leaked the secret iPhone SDK already: and Zibri's Blog. So the impatient can find the purported leaked key here while the rest of us wait.

For more on the SDK:
- read this post from BusinessWeek