Which OTT video content is the most popular? Rentrak, comScore, Nielsen have the stats

There is a general sense that consumers are watching more online video content, including on smartphones and tablets. However, it's been very difficult to measure those viewing habits and how consumers are interacting with the content. Getting greater insight into those statistics could help carriers, content providers and advertisers craft their over-the-top video strategies going forward. FierceOnlineVideo is starting a quarterly update to present some raw stats released by online audience measurement firms including comScore, Rentrak and Nielsen. 

Nielsen just began measuring online video viewing in earnest back in December, placing sniffers out on the networks to identify OTT traffic from normally ratings-shy providers like Netflix and Amazon. Its rankings aren't out, but the firm does churn out a number of reports to the public based on its findings. One type of measurement Nielsen and Rentrak are taking seriously is the concept of "digital engagement." In both firms' cases, it's the amount that viewers take to the social media sphere during a broadcast program to talk about the action taking place on the screen. For more, check out this FierceOnlineVideo special report