Google adds changelog for Android Market app updates

Google introduced Recent Changes, a new Android Market feature giving developers greater flexibility to alert consumers of application updates and enhancements. According to Google, the changelog is a platform for developers to add notes about tweaks specific to the newest version of a given app: "Recent changes are linked to each app version, so with each update, you must submit items to the recent changes field," reads a post on the Android Market Help website. "We recommend that each recent changes update is specific to the app version; previous changes will not be displayed to the user at this time, but may be visible in the future. Furthermore, the recent changes field (unlike the app description) [has] no impact on the search index, i.e. it will not impact the search results for your app." Google adds that Recent Changes notes will appear in Android Market under the existing app description.

Android Market previously limited developers to app descriptions containing only 325 characters. "It's ridiculous trying to properly explain an app and show update information inside of 325 characters," reads an Android Market Help forum post dating back all the way to November 2008. "I've ended up having to cut out most of my description to show bug fixes so that users who have given crap ratings because of some bug can be aware that the update fixes the issue. Between the horrendous comment system and this, the market is honestly becoming more frustrating than it's worth."

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