Parse stuns mobile developers, announces platform's retirement

Facebook will fully retire its Parse mobile development platform on Jan. 28, 2017.

Parse co-founder Kevin Lacker announced the platform's retirement in a blog post last week, noting his company will "focus [its] resources elsewhere."

"We're proud that we've been able to help so many of you build great mobile apps," he wrote. "We enjoyed working with each of you, and we have deep admiration for the things you've built."

Parse also unveiled a database migration tool that enables users to migrate data from the Parse app to any MongoDB database, along with an open source Parse Server that lets users run most of the Parse API from their own Node.js server.

So what does Parse's retirement mean for mobile developers? 

For many developers, it may force them to rebuild their apps from scratch.

Parse's retirement also caused many questions and concerns to resurface about Facebook's acquisition of the mobile development platform in April 2013.

Fortunately, Firebase and other Parse alternatives are available. 

But for some developers, not all Parse alternatives are created equal.