Simplifying with speech recognition

Speech recognition firm vlingo just unveiled the results of a recent consumer study involving almost 5,000 respondents that the firm commissioned regarding their mobile-data usage habits, especially around SMS usage. Vlingo found that 70 percent of non-SMS users said they didn't use the service because it was too difficult and time consuming to type on a small phone screen.  

Vlingo, like other speech recognition firms, are advocates of voice-enabled texting and other services minimize the amount of typing a consumer must do on their mobile handset.

The company will be talking about the survey results at BREW next week and it will also be highlighting its plans to release a BREW extension for its voice-enabled technology this summer. Application developers can use vlingo's software development kit to speech-enable their applications in an open manner. Still, many question whether voice-command technology is the panacea to mobile data adoption. Those questions will be addressed during the presentation "Unlocking Data Services through BREW" on Wednesday at 1:45 p.m.