Online database of GVF-certified VSAT installers

As the demand for low-cost satellite systems continues to grow in both developed and developing countries, so does the demand for GVF-certified VSAT installers, highly qualified professionals who have successfully completed GVF's rigorous training program.

According to the group, satellite operators and manufacturers worldwide now strongly recommend or require that all VSAT installation personnel become GVF certified. This is why GVF has launched an online database of such professionals, posted on its Web site, .

To become GVF-certified, installers must have taken the entire GVF VSAT Installation and Maintenance Course, which was developed by the GVF Education and Training Working Group to serve as the global standard in VSAT installation training.

The course was designed to achieve three key objectives: to reduce signal interference caused by improper installations; to strengthen the industry's quality of service; and to assure the industry's competitiveness.