Online porn a booming market in Britain, says report

Britain is the fastest growing market for the booming Internet adult pornography business, with one in four adults, including 1.6 million women, downloading images each month, a study, cited by an AFP report said.

The AFP report said a survey by Nielsen NetRatings found that more than 9 million men, or almost 40% of Britain's male population, used pornographic Web sites last year compared with an estimated 2 million in 2000.

The report sad 1 in 4 men aged 25 to 49, or 2.5 million men, had visited an adult Web site in the last month alone, the analysts' survey found.

Some 1.5 million women used Internet pornography in the last 12 months, up from 1 million in the previous year, it added.

The report further said men and women spent an average of 40 minutes each month looking at pornographic Web sites, while half of all couples watched pornography on the Internet together, the report further said.

The report further said the British porn industry was now estimated to be worth about 1.45 billion euros ($1.85 billion).